Bellevue, WA
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News & Announcements

2025 Mercer Park Budget Ratification Meeting

On Dec 4th at 6:30pm Mercer Park homeowners can join our annual budget ratification meeting for the upcoming 2025 calendar year. Check in begins at 6:15.

We will be discussing the various factors behind why the board is proposing no dues increase this year and instead plans to issue a special assessment to replace our reserve & emergency fund. We will give a brief overview of the of recent flooding damage events, the HOA's remediation strategy thus far, and the financial repercussions. We will also review other reserve maintenance projects recently completed, projects required over the next few years, the costs expected for each, and our latest draft reserve study. We can also show how our dues compare to other similar condo communities in the area which helped inform the board’s special assessment vs dues increase proposal.

You can review the proposed budget and meeting notification letter here